Create videos with voice over in Danish

Narakeet now makes it easy to create videos from text scripts in Danish language, using four new voices. Play the video below to hear a sample:

(The video includes royalty-free images from

To use the new voices in a video created from a PowerPoint presentation, use the ‘Edit settings’ option after uploading the file, then select ‘Danish’ from the language drop-down.

To use the voices in a video created from a script, set the active voice to one of the supported voices using the voice header or stage direction, for example:

(voice: inger)

København er anerkendt som en af de mest miljøvenlige byer i verden.

For more information on how to control narration and voices with Narakeet, check out our guide on how to Add voice over to videos in presentations. Also, test the other available voices.

Narakeet helps you create text to speech voiceovers, turn Powerpoint presentations and Markdown scripts into engaging videos. It is under active development, so things change frequently. Keep up to date: RSS, Slack, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok